
At last, your hard copy documents are available to everyone, everywhere.

Your issues

Day in day out, you are juggling both hard copy and digital documents and files, and you would like to streamline access, especially for remote workers.

Not only does digital media keep permanent records of data transferred to it, digitising your frequently viewed documents helps to save time, for more agility in the day-to-day running of your business.

And at the same time, you can save ondocument storage and sharing, both in-house and with others (publishing, copying, postage, etc.).

Having a sole service provider for digitising and physical archiving facilitates steering and ensures secure circulation of documents.

Crédit Agricole


Our expert knowledge

Everial has expertise in all document formats, and offers a comprehensive service including digitisation, DAM and the outsourced archiving of conserved physical originals.

Our industrial digitisation departments handle all formats and types of document, including files, bills, correspondence, coupons, cheques, maps and plans, books, ledgers, microfilm, aperture cards etc. We guarantee quality, security, traceability and confidentiality in all our processes.

Our knowledge of the documents used in your industry makes us agile and independent when analysing and preparing for digitisation. We are also able to provide made-to-measure filing systems and indexing.

We use both manual processing, including video coding and typing, and automatic processing, including automatic document reading and recognition and OCR to sort your digitised documents by type, index them according to your criteria and make them accessible via a search using key words or plain text.

We reconstitute your digital documents on storage media using transfer protocols, or on our DAM solution Enoxa. Physical documents that you cannot or do not want to destroy, even after digitisation, are then conserved in our secure archive centres.

Digitisation & Personal Data: a potentially explosive combination! Whether making reliable or simple copies, the processing of personal data needs to be handled carefully when outsourcing processes. As a sub-contractor, our aim is to limit risk while managing personal data entrusted by our clients, since it is often sensitive.

Sandrine Hilaire

Digital Transition Consultant


More expertise

With the guarantee of quality, security, traceability and confidentiality in all our processes.

Enhanced performance

Enjoy immediate access to your digitised documents thanks to our well-structured filing andindexing system.

Greater peace of mind

Thanks to the sustainable data transferred to digital media.

Client testimonials

Crédit Agricole


The switch to digital with regard to document processes hinges on behaviour and usage. We have set up several types of solution with Everial: paper-free contracts, ongoing digitisation of contracts in real time, and the protection of client data pertaining to sensitive contracts such as insurance for those borrowing money.

Everial staff provided us with support throughout the diagnosis and steering phases (…) They are professionals with solid experience working with regional banks, which was a guarantee of security for us. They were able to adapt fully to our company’s internal processes.

Thierry Candidat, Vice-President, Crédit Agricole regional bank for Touraine-Poitou

Crédit Agricole


Having a sole service provider for digitising and physical archiving facilitates steering and ensures secure circulation of documents.

Everial staff provided us with support throughout the diagnosis and steering phases (…) They are professionals with solid experience working with regional banks, which was a guarantee of security for us. They were able to adapt fully to our company’s internal processes.

Thierry Candidat, Vice-President, Crédit Agricole regional bank for Touraine-Poitou

Branch workers are all satisfied with the setup introduced as part of the “paper-free branch” project in a spirit of digital innovation serving client relations.

Crédit Agricole

Our address

Chemin de Préveyres 55
CH 1132 Lully sur Morges